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Mostrando postagens de setembro, 2010

Quick and Dirty Vintage Photo Effect in Photoshop

Quick and Dirty Vintage Photo Effect in Photoshop : " Looking for a quick way to transform your photos into handsome, convincing vintage art? Lots of programs offer vintage photograph filters, but these are often rough, and give unexciting, unconvincing results. With a few moments in practically any version of Photoshop, you can make realistic-looking vintage photos from nearly any picture you might have on your hard drive. Here’s how to do it. I came across this pic of the King of Bhutan and thought it had some nice possibilities. You will, of course, be using whatever photo you want. I recommend one with high resolution, and good contrast between lights and darks. You can, of course, use any photo, but some will give you stronger results that others. Press to do a quick desaturate and turn the image to grayscale. Then, press to bring up the Hue/Saturation palette and set it to “Colorize” with these Hue/Saturation/Lightness values. Go to FIlters > Blur ...

Upgrade Ubuntu from 10.04 to 10.10

Upgrade Ubuntu from 10.04 to 10.10 : " If you are currently using Ubuntu 10.04 and are interested in 10.10 you have choices – you can burn yourself an ISO and do a complete, fresh installation, OR you can upgrade using apt-get without having to bother with a re-installation. Of course I should warn you that, as of this writing, Ubuntu 10.10 is still in beta. That doesn’t mean you have to avoid the upgrade. It does, however, mean you run the risk of not everything working correctly. But if you are all-too-antsy to get that precious 10.10 on your machine…the task is actually quite simple. In this article I am going to show you how to, from both the GUI and from the command line. After you are finished, you should have a working version of Ubuntu 10.10 beta. Of course, as 10.10 comes out of beta you can continue to update and have a full released version in no time. NOTE: You can ONLY do this upgrade from 10.04. You can not upgrade from any earlier release. Also make sure you DO b...

Here comes LibreOffice -- an Oracle-free fork of OpenOffice

Here comes LibreOffice -- an Oracle-free fork of OpenOffice : " Filed under: OpenOffice.org First it was OpenSolaris, now it's OpenOffice . Yes, another previously-Sun-led initiative is being forked as a 'thanks-but-no-thanks' response to the arrival of Oracle on the scene. The freshly-formed Document Foundation is being created to further the goals and aspirations of OpenOffice.org, and will produce LibreOffice -- a more community-focused project. Initial supporters of LibreOffice include the FSF , OSI , Canonical , and the GNOME foundation . Oracle has been invited to the party as well, though they've yet to RSVP. As The H points out , there's some uncertainty about Oracle's commitment to OpenOffice development, hence the desire by a certain group to fork. The Document Foundation hopes that LibreOffice's independence from Oracle will attract more contributors and lead to an even better, more popular product. "

Xmarks Bookmark Syncing Service Shutting Down in January 2011 [Bookmarks]

Xmarks Bookmark Syncing Service Shutting Down in January 2011 [Bookmarks] : " Xmarks, the bookmark syncing service formerly known as Foxmarks, announced today it will close its doors and delete its users' data on January 10, 2011. The always-free, cross-browser syncing service couldn't find a business model, it seems, especially among newer auto-syncing browsers. More » "

Boot CD os canivestes suiços da informática

Dica: Devido a constante necessidade de actualizadas destas ferramentas (actualizações das definições de antivirus, novas versões de software etc) em vez de gravar em CD-R é preferível gravar em CD-RW ou então passar o ISO para uma pen USB Hiren boot CD . Provavelmente o melhor CD de boot que se pode ser. Desde anti-virus, soluções de backup, recuperação de dados ou verificação de hardware, este CD tem tudo. Altamente recomendado 911 Rescue CD . Foi durante bastante tempo o meu CD preferido, mas ao que parece o seu desenvolvimento parou. Grande colecção de ferramentas System Rescue CD . Baseado em Linux. Muito útil para reparar sistemas linux Trinity Rescue Kit Ultimate Boot CD for Windows (UBCD4WIN ).Grande variedade de ferramentas  Ultimate Boot CD . Boa variedade de ferramentas Knoppix . Distribuição live CD com algumas funcionalidades para realizar recuperação/reparação de sistemas   SARDU   BartPE Builder. Não é um boot CD mas sim um ferramenta para criar C...

Rescue CDs: Tips for fighting malware

Rescue CDs: Tips for fighting malware : " Using rescue CDs to ferret out malware is a great idea, in theory at least. Getting them to actually work is another story. Don’t make the same mistakes I did. —————————————————————————————– Malware is sophisticated enough to manipulate the host computer’s operating system to help it hide. That’s why rescue CDs are becoming the go-to malware detection and removal technology. What is a rescue CD Anti-malware rescue CDs are bootable operating systems that take control of a computer’s hardware. Since the computer’s operating system is inactive, so is any installed malware. That’s where we get the upper hand; malware can’t activate any defense to avoid being detected by the anti-malware program installed on the rescue CD. A stumbling block Before, I present the rescue CDs I reviewed, I want to point out some mistakes I made when using rescue CDs. One embarrassing mistake happened during a visit to a client. It was the wrong ...

Advanced BAT To EXE Converter

Advanced BAT To EXE Converter : " Converting bat files to exe is likely not a very popular topic, even though you find requests by users occasionally that want to perform those conversions. As to the why; There are usually two reasons for converting bat files to executables. The first are programs that can load executables but not bat files, backup software or shutdown programs come to mind that offer to load another executable before the process finishes. The second reason is distribution and perception by users. Most batch file to exe converters are shareware or commercial applications with limited trial functionality. Not so Advanced Bat to Exe Converter, a free program to convert any batch file to executable. Bat files can be loaded via the file menu from the local system. Their contents are displayed in the program interface once they have been successfully loaded. It is then possible to edit the batch file in the interface, and save it again to the local PC. advanced ba...

Microsoft acaba com o Live Spaces e migra usuários para o WordPress.com

Microsoft acaba com o Live Spaces e migra usuários para o WordPress.com : " A família de produtos Windows Live tem produtos muito bons, mas o Spaces , definitivamente, não é um deles. Esse serviço de blog é bastante limitado quando comparado com outras soluções, apesar de contar com cerca de 30 milhões de usuários. Talvez seja esse o motivo que fez a Microsoft anunciar hoje que o Spaces deixará de existir da forma que está e que todas as contas cadastradas no serviço serão migradas para o WordPress.com . Na verdade, a migração não será obrigatória. A Microsoft dará seis meses para que o usuário possa decidir. As demais opções são a de eliminar completamente o conteúdo até então existente no Spaces ou fazer download de uma cópia completa desse material. Caso o usuário opte por migrar, todos os seus posts serão transferidos e o endereço anterior no Spaces será redirecionado automaticamente para o novo em WordPress.com. Em breve, todas as pessoas que tentarem criar uma conta ...