Wikileaks under DDOS attack on eve of new revelations [Comment] : " Tomorrow WikiLeaks is set to reveal a new series of classified US documents that have been sent by United States Embassies around the world. The revelations set to shed new light on the country’s relations with friendly and unfriendly states alike, and now the site itself has come under a distributed denial of service attack. Despite reports that hackers are responsible for the attack there’s no actual evidence one way or another, but it’s raised important and pertinent questions about the information that’s in the public domain and if there really is such a thing as “too much information”. Most people will agree that sometimes it’s just better not to know a fact, and to live in ignorance of it. The Human brain and conscience is only capable of processing so much which is why we choose to blank out certain events. This was the case with the previous WikiLeaks revelations of documents from the Iraq war. Most peo...
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