There are so many ways to gain remote access to your computer. From the over-simplified free software to the paid solutions to the VPN solutions and more. Where there is a will to gain access there is a way to gain access. However, one of the available tools takes a different approach. Instead of gaining full access to your machine, you gain access to your documents by way of a Web-based server. This tool is Weezo and it (basically) turns your computer into a secure Web server that allows secure access to files, simplified sharing of files, and even quick and easy Web publication of your content and desktop.
System requirements
- Product: Weezo
- Operating systems: Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 7
- Display capable of 32-bit display
- Broadband or better network connection
Who’s it for?
Weezo is for anyone who not only needs remote access to their machine (via a Web browser) but also has an interest in sharing out the content to other users or even publishing the content onto the Web. Publishing can be done using the free, permanent URL attached to an account (a free account must be created for this) or to popular Web sites. Weezo is not only a possible solution for home users (which it seems to focus on), but a solid entry into the remote category for business users. Since data transfers are not handled through a third-party affiliate, data privacy is ensured.
What problem does it solve?
The ability to share files and gain remote access to those files can be a task that is overwhelming to some users. Weezo makes this task surprisingly simple (considering how complex the system really is). The tool is easy to use from installation to usage.
Key features
- Data privacy
- Create groups for sharing and limit each groups access
- No file size restrictions
- Universal access from any browser from any network connection
- Share/publish photos, music, files, etc.
- Permanent URL associated with account
- RSS reader
- Basic blogging tool
- Chat with groups and users associated with your account
- Gain full access to your remote machine
- Share files with torrents
What’s wrong?
The biggest problem with Weezo is that most larger enterprises are not going to be terribly happy with their users turning their desktops into Web servers - regardless if the integrated Web server is secure or not. The idea of file sharing and even, in many instances, remote desktop access isn’t nearly as bad as the idea of having any server running on a corporate desktop. Outside of that major issue, your machine will have to have port 80 traffic routed to it, and this too can be a major issue on any larger business network (especially if that LAN already routes port 80 traffic to another machine).
Competitive products
Bottom line for businesses
If your company is okay with your setting up your desktop machine to serve as a secure Web server in order for you to gain access to your desktop from remote locations, then I say go for it with Weezo. The features this application adds to the standard remote access tool make it an easy sell for normal users. The only issue will be if your company is okay with what Weezo does to open up your desktop. In theory it’s secure…but in theory many things said to be secure but actually have vulnerabilities.
User rating
Have you encountered or used Weezo? If so, what do you think? Rate your experience and compare the results to what other TechRepublic members think. Give your own personal review in the TechRepublic Community Forums or let us know if you think we left anything out in our review.
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